some of the things that i am going to miss:
random trips to wal mart
the wal marts here aren't anything like the wal marts back home, but one thing that these wal marts do have... killer deals on snickers. we would get two regular snickers and a small one for 6.5 yuan... we would plan our whole day around finding the right bus time and heading to get some snickers. great times.
the kids!!
um yes, i think that is a no brainer that i am going to miss these little guys. they were the sweetest most loving little things on this planet. it will be hard to say goodbye...
freda's cooking
she cooked us some scrumpscious home made meals! some of my favorite food i had over this whole trip she cooked for us in our very own apartment. she always said she couldn't cook.. but i would have to argue with that.
random late night strolls
when we are bored, we stroll the town. no particular destination in mind, just crusin. some of my favorite memories were made on random nights where we decided to go out. always an adventure.
mcdonalds runs
yes. i am going to miss this. sure it's sad that we make a whole entire night out of finding mcdonalds.. but we do, and it's awesome. i really am going to miss these times..
delectable chinese food
yes rice and noodles get old, fast. but there are some chinese dishes that i could NEVER get tired of!! i am going to miss them so much.. you just can't find them in america!
our wonderful chinese teachers
they are the sweetest girls on this planet. and yes, i call them girls because they are anywhere from 19 to 23 years old... we have LOVED eating dinner with them every night and we love seeing them at school. i just wish i spoke chinese so i could have become closer to them!
ah, yes, hair washes
call me crazy, but this might just be the thing i miss most... after the kids of course. there are no words to explain the pure bliss hair washes give me...and for only 2 us dollars? it's like stealing candy from a baby... it's just wrong! but it's so right... i am gonna miss this like crazy!!!
blake, our guard
oh blake.. i am going to miss creepily stalking you in your guard post. he is so dreamy, even tho he is shorter than me, i will still have a special place for him in my heart always...
theral, our old chinese man friend
i literally love this guy. every single time i see him, i feel so much joy! he is the happiest guy in the world. he has this super high voice and he always giggles when he sees us. he is such a champ. i named him after my gpa.
noodle and dumpling shop!
when i think about how i will not be able to go and get noodles and dumplings for 8 yuan($1.20) i almost want to cry. this is our favorite place to eat and it never disappoints.
taxi rides
pretty sure 50% of my pictures from china are of times when we were on motor taxis.. i do not know why, but they are one of the most fun things to do here! we especially love the ones we take to mcdonalds because they are 20 min long. gives us much time to take awesome pictures :)
cheap stuff
errrythang in china is cheap. yes most of it is super cheap quality as well, but you find some gems most of the time. and you can't beat the cheap food. it's just nice being a little excessive here, yet still spending less than you would in america. it's great. i got this bottle of daisy perfume for 35 yuan.... 5 us dollars. ope, seee ya.
random friends
everyone in china wants to be our friend. no exaggeration at all. everyone smiles at us or says hello. sometimes from a creepy man sometimes from a sweet old lady. no matter who it is though, they make us feel totally welcome here! they help us out whenever we need it, and we have been taken out to dinner or lunch multiple times by strangers! they are so kind to us. even though we know it is because we are white, we still love it!
kung fu with jet
when it is time to go to kung fu every wednesday i might grumble and moan a little bit because i don't want to get off my lazy butt and go work out...but the truth is a i absolutely love going to kung fu! jet is hilarious, and he knows how to deal with our weirdness. i am going to miss our kung fu sessions with him...
some things that i am not going to miss:
our stinky elevator
being 20 ft taller than everyone
it was super nice of them to provide breakfast and lunch for us. buuut.. you can only have noodles, bread, rice, and veggies so many times...
our makeshift american food
creepy motorcycle guys
looks like my list of what i will miss outnumbers my list of what i won't miss...
uh oh...
i'm not ready to leave.
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