it's official: i am sick of rice.
no but seriously, how do they eat it every single day here? sometimes twice a day! i asked my chinese coordinator if she ever gets sick of rice. she said, "if i go a day without eating rice, i will feel sick! it's not good for my health." whaaaat... that is so weird.
that is pretty much what i miss most about america tho... variety of food. i just wanna order a pizza.. grab a hamburger(that isn't from mcdonalds), get some nom nom pasta... mmmm.
soon enough. except two weeks after i'm home i will want to be back in china. funny how it works that way!
41 days until i fly home. that's not enough! i need more time here.
this is aaron and his friend... i can't remember. i think we gave him an english name, but i don't remember it. aaron(the one in the black) approached us outside of wal mart and starting speaking to us! his friend didn't speak any english. sidenote: chinese people who know english LOVE to talk and practice with us.
so anyways, they invited us out to lunch! they work at a restaurant called venice. it was so kind of them to take us out! and they paid for it.. we were so shocked, but impressed how generous they were.
we took a short motor taxi ride to their restaurant. i am going to miss these bike rides SO much. some of my favorite memories are on them...
we take the bus pretty often. we went to shiqi to get my package from my mommaa! bus rides are long and tedious, but sometimes i really love them. this bus was jam packed! it was full of mostly middle schoolers. i don't know why but they are super intimidating to me... haha. this is a
scary guy on the bus who really isn't that scary at all.
*note the two girls behind him?? totally talking smack...
mandy and i think planking is hilarious. and yes, we have no idea why. does anyone really? we are just getting started... so many more to come...
no my mouth is not on the ground haha.
light as a feather, stiff as a board.
and das awl.
style: 10
strength: 10
poise: 10
location: 10
dedication: 10
good work mandy.
we almost broke the table,
but it was worth it.
we got our hair washed on saturday and after he was done blow drying my hair i looked up to see this gem on the wall.
um sir,
can you cut my hair like that please?
we were waiting at the bus stop and this lady stumbled by.
she is so tiny!!!
the baby is about half her size.
another bus ride, more annoying middle schoolers.
i don't know why i look happy,
these kids totally annoyed me.
so our guard took us out with one of his friends to dinner then to a roller rink/dance club/bar.
good times.
this guy gave april a ride there...
he was....focused. yeah.
this is lee!!!
i love lee. he is so nice.
he doesn't speak a wink of english..
but that's okay, we still have fun with him!
and he has crazy dance moves.
lee and i.
the guy on the left is our guard blake.
we named him blake.
his real name is too complicated...
it's something like yuenzghen? i don't know.
i tried to get a picture with them both kissing my cheeks, but they didn't quite get the memo...
so we result with this. haha.
after dinner they took us to this dance club roller rink place.. weird. there were 90% chinese guys and 5% chinese girls, then the remaining 5% was us.
<<this guy is SO WEIRD. i did not enjoy his presence... as you can tell by this picture.
my face is clearly saying, "noooo not this guy!! how do i get away???"
hey blake.
the guy on my left definitely came
out of NO WHERE for this picture.
no one knew him...
that happens a lot here.
chinese photo bombs.
lee got a littttle crazy on the dance floor!
i wish i would have recorded him dancing.. he did the same dance move for a minute straight..
it was the funniest thing i'd ever seen.
all while he was dancing the rest of us were holding hands walking around him...
i sort of felt like i was at a barmitzfah or something.
we have kung fu lessons each week!
our instructors name is jet.
he is a boss.
i learned how to do this super cool bun where you put a sock in your hair!!!
this is the view from the top.
i ruv it.
Holy Cow!!! I had no idea you were partying so much!!! heh heh heh
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