travel blog. yes. this is happening. right now.
i do not know how good i am with this whole blogging thing... but i think it will be a beneficial thing to do in my spare time! i don't have much of it... but late at night when i don't feel like reading, i will write. sounds like a plan to me.
to those reading, i am living in china this semester in zhongshan, china. i came as a head teacher for the program ILP(international language programs.) last fall i came with ilp as a teacher and it was the best decision i have ever made. the experiences that i had... will be forever with me. it was such a gratifying experience seeing the kids actually learn from me. like i was actually making a difference!!
i decided to come back as a head teacher because i wanted to provide a fun experience for teachers coming to do what i did. now i am in charge of 3 other teachers. i deal with the principles, with training, workshops, overseeing their lesson planning and teaching.. and just a whole bunch of stuff! but i love what i am doing, and i love helping others. i want to try and make this experience as positive as the one i had when i came.
i was able to go to hong kong for a 2 day trip before coming to mainland china. it was fun! got to see some wonderful sights. i like being in mainland china though.. the people are more kind and the food is WAY better :)
we teach here at the Yuan Cei Mei Di Kindergarten in Nanlang. It is a cute little town... still a ba jillion people, but much smaller than the city i lived in last fall(Weihai.)
china is seriously a second home to me... coming back was so easy. it didn't feel new, weird, or uncomfortable. i settled right in and was ready to set out on many adventures. i LOVE chinese people. their culture is like nothing else i have ever experience. they are so kind. they love to smile. they are generous. they work HARD. harder than any other culture i know of. they are just loving in general... i love the vibe i receive from them.
my chinese coordinator is the sweetest girl! she is 24 and just started this job a week before we arrived to teach. she is helpful and has the most beautiful smile. me and her talk all the time... she might be my best friend in china... hahaha. i love hearing her stories, and about her life growing up. she is a strong woman with a very strong work ethic. she is teaching me much about work, and life goals... funny how that works out.
i did not come to china to "find myself" but being here reminds me of the person i want to always strive to be. i want to be kind. i want to work hard. i want to help others. i want to see the world. i want to be a strong mother. and most of all, i want to have a positive impact on every human being that i come in contact with. i hope that being here can help me work on those attributes so that when i go back to the states i can carries those characteristics back with me.
my living conditions are super great!! i live in an apartment with my 3 other teachers. we have a living room, kitchen, microwave, western toilet, and beds!! here are some pictures.
this post is pretty broad.. but i just wanted to start this blog off with a quick overview! look forward to more interesting and funny blog posts.... zai jian!!!
^flight to hong kong
^me and fellow ilp teachers getting some grub in HK
^ 711?? whaa?? totally different here tho..
^view from my HK hotel.
^the school where we teach!
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